Creator Spotlight: Lunar Kolony


Welcome to our Creator spotlight!

Continuing our series of Space Engineers Creator Spotlights with Lunar Kolony.

What initially drew me to Space Engineers was the freedom to express my creativity, and build the awesome sci-fi creations I had always wanted to. The game’s deep and robust core mechanics is what kept me coming back, along with consistent and interesting updates, offering something new to try out on a regular basis.

I decided to mesh my passion for content creation with my ever growing love for Space Engineers, and begin producing videos to help others with getting into the game and learning it’s mechanics.

What shocked me and first, and continues to amaze me to this day, is how tightly knit and friendly the community is. With players always ready to offer assistance and advice to those new to the game, and having formed some of my best friendships through enjoying a good SE session together.

My aim is to continue to grow and develop the Space Engineers content on my channel. Producing guides to help players understand elements of the game, survival series for people to casually watch and enjoy, and my cinematics, which take the longest, but always give me the most satisfaction to upload!

‘BACKFIRE’ – A Space Engineers film

The main jump point over Terra is lost. In order to retake this key strategic position, freighter convoys are being sent to re-arm the LKF fleets. 

Key targets for REC raids, the convoys must be protected in order to secure the route to Luna, and prevent a counter attack.

Early base design guide – The Space Engineers Handbook

Welcome to a new series, the Space Engineers Handbook!

This will be a tutorial guide series where I will be going through some of the crucial aspects of the game and how to best navigate them.

SHAPE when building vessels in Space Engineers

Today we’ll be discussing the importance of shape when designing your vessels, how to go about it, the effects it will have on the creation and some tips from workshop creators!

How to build a mining hauler!

Today we will be building a mining hauler start to finish to show you the process I follow for building a large grid space based mining hauler.

Warship Guide – ‘Corvettes’

Re-visiting corvette video in a new, more concise format, along with some nice cinematic shots.

You can find more of the amazing creations by Lunar Kolony here and his youtube channel here.

Looking for your fellow Space Engineers? Join our official Discord community

With every custom build, mod design, line of script, planet, or skybox you create, you feed our “Need to Create”. 

Thank you for your continued support, collaboration, and inspiration.
