Creator Spotlight: Pandemic Playground


Welcome to our Creator spotlight!

Continuing our series of Space Engineers Creator Spotlights with Pandemic Playground.

Pandemic Playground is made up of two gamers, Don and Dave, who have been playing games together for many years, and decided to share content and playstyle since October 2019.

We started playing Space Engineers during early access and vividly remember the first thing we did was to dig into an asteroid in an attempt to build a base inside of it. Years later, we are now creating fun challenges, scenarios, creations, experiments and time lapses to share with the Space Engineers community since January 2020. Our very first Space Engineers series was called Unwanted Engineers, as we can be somewhat ridiculous in our way of thinking in how to build and do things. We enjoyed Space Engineers for many years and continue to enjoy it. Till this day, we are still digging throughout most of our gameplay.

Other fun scenarios and challenges that we enjoyed creating was Ship Evolution and Surviving As A Trader, but one of our biggest challenges we took on was building a space elevator in survival mode. Ship Evolution was a fun way to showcase our build style, and organically evolve or upgrade the starting ship to a much larger ship. Surviving As A trader is one of Dave’s favorite challenging scenario in which there is no drilling for resources, but gathering them through trading with economy bases and other means as necessary. Lastly, one of our pride and joy creation is the birth of DaMultiTool, a welding and grinding small grid ship that can easily do both by rotating the arms. This creation has been very helpful in pretty much all of our time lapse series.

We have had a very long and fun journey in Space Engineers and we always look forward to new updates and DLC. We hope to continue to share our Space Engineers adventures and come up with bigger and more ridiculous challenges.”

Unwanted Engineers

Welcome to our new space engineers series called “Unwanted Engineers” where we are dropped off on planet earth to build some space antenna, the only problem…

We are not allowed to drill for resources!!! 

Ship Evolution

New series to showcase a ship evolution starting from the space pod.

Surviving As A Trader

Time to play Space Engineers but as a trader!

Building A Space Elevator

We compiled 30 hours of footage into a 25 minute time lapse as part 2 of a compilations of building a space elevator.


A welding and grinding small grid ship that can easily do both by rotating the arms.

You can find more of the amazing creations by Pandemic Playground here and their youtube channel here.

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