Creator Spotlight: Qarannia


Welcome to our Creator spotlight!

Continuing our series of Space Engineers Creator Spotlights with Qarannia.

“I’ve always had a love for space-based games, from Space Invaders and Defender on the Atari 2600 as a kid, to my first PC in 1992 which I bought specifically so I could play Wing Commander. I’m a relative newcomer to Space Engineers however; having only discovered the game late in 2019. At that time I was coming off a decade long love / hate relationship with EVE Online and I was looking for something a bit more relaxing. Space Engineers seemed to fit the bill, allowing me to do on the PC what I’d done with Lego bricks as a kid.

In 2020 I discovered a beautiful version of the U.S.S. Enterprise someone had built and uploaded to the Steam Workshop. But there weren’t many mods for the game that would allow me to bring Star Trek to life in-game in the way I was imagining. That got me thinking; ‘Why are there so few mods for Star Trek? I mean, how hard can it be?’

So I set myself the mission to bring Star Trek to life in Space Engineers as much as I possibly could. From Blender to WeaponCore it was a completely new experience and I learned a great deal along the way. I also met a lot of great people on the various Discord servers dedicated to modding, creating, and playing Space Engineers. Without the help, support, encouragement, and advice of people like that I likely would have given up long ago. 

Four years into my five year mission and I have a complete(ish) set of Star Trek mods and NPCs, along with various Battlestar Galactica and general mods. I often joke that, as a modder, 3,699 of my 3,700 hours in the game have been spent looking at the loading screen but I love this game, I love seeing what I create come to life (and usually explode or catch fire) and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Space Engineers.”

Star Trek Mod Pack

This is a collection of all my Star Trek themed mods assembled together into one pack.

Read the Star Trek Mod Pack Guide.

Battlestar Galactica Mod Pack

This mod pack adds a number of weapons and fighter craft from the Battlestar Galactica TV shows.

Star Trek Module 1 – Weapons

This mod contains a set of Star Trek themed weapons. This mod requires WeaponCore and Animation Engine to function, so make sure you have both mods loaded in your world. 

It is possible to customise the damage values for many of the weapons in this mod using the WeaponCore server configuration file.

Star Trek Module 10 – Federation Encounters

This mod uses Modular Encounters Systems to bring you a set of Federation NPC encounters.

Star Trek Module 9 – Shuttle Kit

This mod contains a set of parts for building a Federation Type 9 shuttle.

You can find more of the amazing creations by Qarannia here and his youtube channel here.

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